Trial Becomes a Catalyst for Good

Why the Triumph Over Trials Can Become a Positive Catalyst for Your Life

It was early June of this year and we were visiting family in Idaho. One day, we decided to go horseback riding at the Granite Creek Ranch. My wife, Chelsea, loves horseback riding and I love watching people do what they love.


The horses were saddled up and my son, Eddie, got to ride a horse for the first time. I loved watching my wife interact with Eddie. It was beautiful.


Simple experiences like these mean more to me now than ever before because of a trial my wife and I went through four years ago. Let me explain.

Life comes with trials. Trials bring us to our knees and humble us. Trials can shape the rest of our lives in a positive or negative way depending on how we react to them. You might question me, “How in the world could a trial ever be a positive for someone’s life?” Let me answer that question with our personal story of our triumph over a trial and how it has become a catalyst of good for our life.

A Hole in My Son’s Heart

We struggled to get pregnant for years, but were finally blessed to have a baby. Two days after our son Eddie was born, the doctors told us that he had a hole in his heart. They told us that Eddie’s heart would have to be repaired or he would not live a normal life. I remember how difficult it was to receive this news as a new parent. We had already struggled to just get pregnant and now we would have to prepare our little boy for open heart surgery. This became our trial and the spark of the catalyst.

Spark of the Catalyst 

As we meet with doctors over the next few weeks, they educated us on the processes and procedures we would go through to prepare our son for open heart surgery. They told us that it would be about 4 months until Eddie would have his surgery. 

The next four months would become a positive catalyst for my life. As we shared our trial and circumstance with close family and friends, we were quickly introduced to other parents whose children had successful open heart surgeries. 

Those meetings were a gift and a blessing. Because these parents had lived what we were living, they were able to connect with us from a state of pure empathy. They were able to strengthen our faith and belief, which gave us enduring hope. 

Triumph Over Trials Helps Others

I learned very quickly that hearing how these parents overcame their trials gave my wife and I real hope. I could feel their love, concern, and positive energy as they talked about their experiences. It became so clear to me that as we overcome our trials we can help others overcome their trials. What a sacred gift and blessing. When you are in the middle of a trial, the right support and encouragement can make the difference. And it did for us. 

The Triumph

On November 11, 2015, we drove our car to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah to have Eddie’s heart fixed with an open heart surgery. The day was full of love, courage, faith, and prayers. I remember very vividly just how difficult the experience was when we gave our son to the doctor and the surgery doors closed. Even though we had prepared for this moment, it was harder than we could imagine. 

The surgery took six and a half hours. It was the longest six hours of my life. Every hour and a half we would get an update from the doctors on how the surgery was going. Those were difficult times. Then we got the news that the surgery was completed. We first went and talked to the doctor. He told us the surgery was successful and that we could go see our son.

We walked into Eddie’s room, he was full of tubes and wires. My wife and I were full of emotions of gratitude and love. Over the next few days, we watched as Eddie would get better and better. Everyday more and more tubes and wires were removed. We finally got to take Eddie home. Over the next months, Eddie was getting stronger and stronger with his properly working heart. I’m so grateful to the doctors and the team for their skills. I’m so grateful for our answered prayers. 

Helping Others Has Become Our Positive Catalyst

It wasn’t long after Eddie’s surgery when I read a Facebook post from one of my high school friends whose son also had a hole in his heart. I messaged him about what we had just been through with our son. A few days later, I was at his house talking to him and his wife. I knew exactly how they were feeling. I was able to provide a message of hope. 

That night I started to see how our trial even though very difficult and negative at first had become a catalyst of good for our life and the lives of others. This experience gave us a new perspective on life. Inspired by the talents, passions, and skills of the doctors who fixed Eddie’s heart, we created the Live Great Movement. A movement to help others discover their talents and do good. 

Use Your Triumph Over Trials to Help Others

Just like the doctors who helped our son Eddie, there is someone in your city that needs your help, your talents, your passions, and your skills. As you unleash your greatness where you live, you’ll help others do the same. 

Your influence of goodness will spread through your community and will inspire other communities around the world to join together to solve many of their most difficult problems where they live.

Many times we see trials as roadblocks to our happiness. I believe if we can persevere and overcome we can use our triumph to inspire and help others. And in helping others we discover true lasting happiness. 

We are grateful for Pete who runs the Granite Creek Ranch. We had the best time! 

Pete applies the principles of the Live Great Movement to use his passions, talents, and skills to help create lasting memories of those who visit his beautiful ranch.


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Greatness is not for a few or the outliers. You are born for greatness. As you unleash your greatness, you’ll inspire others to do the same.

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Author/Pictures: Burke Alder