Run, Run, Today, Run

Running with Reeseman—Be Inspired by Reese Thorne Who Has Not Let Cerebral Palsy Stop Him from Finishing Over 300 Races 

Stories of Greatness™ Series—Mother’s Day Edition

Welcome to the Live Great Movement blog series called Stories of Greatness. Each week, we highlight someone applying the principles of the Live Great Movement to make a positive impact on their life and the lives of others in their community.

In this Mother’s Day edition we highlight Reese and Carla Thorne. This mother and son duo witness to the world that nothing should stand in the way of your dreams—nothing. Reese and his Mom, Carla, have not let cerebral palsy stop him from finishing over 300 races.

Meet Reese Thorne


It was a crisp summer morning on June 23, 2018, myself and thousands of runners were gathered at Tibble Fork Reservoir up American Fork Canyon for the AF Canyon Run Against Cancer Half Marathon sponsored by Intermountain Cancer Centers. This race is special for those who have overcame cancer, for those going through cancer, or for those who have lost someone to cancer. A group of about 30 of us were running for Denise Neish. We had just lost Denise to cancer a few weeks prior to the race. Denise loved running and was really good at it. We were running to honor her life of goodness.

As I was trying to keep warm, I walked to the front of the starting line and I saw two runners getting ready to run. I approached them and introduced myself. One of them said, “Nice to meet you Burke. My name is Ron Young and this is my friend Reese Thorne.” Reese Thorne was in a Team Hoyt Running Chair. As I spoke to Reese, he had a smile a mile wide on his face. Having a brother with Cerebral Palsy, I had an instant connection to Reese.


Loaned Legs

Reese was born with Cerebal Palsy. Cerebal Palsy has been a challenge, but it has not stopped Reese from living a fulfilled life. Carla, Reese’s mom, believes that nothing should stand in the way of achieving your potential. A few years ago, someone asked Carla if they would like to do a 5K with Reese. She said yes and the rest is history. Now Reese races almost every weekend in the summer with loaned legs (pushed by other runners).


At the end of every race, you will find Carla, Mike, his family, and other Reese fans ready to embrace him as he crosses the finish line. “You can see pure joy on Reese’s face when we hug him at the finish line,” said Carla. 


Don’t let the trials of life stop you from reaching your full potential. Reese reminds me of that everyday.
— Carla Thorne

Abraham Lincoln is quoted saying, “All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” This Mother’s Day I want to thank mothers like Carla who love unconditionally and sacrifice everything for the success of their children. Thank you, the world is better because of you. 

Running with Reeseman

Reese and Carla have created a movement and a Facebook group called Running with Reeseman. They help inspire others with hope to move forward with faith and courage no matter the circumstance or trial. 

On June 22, 2019, I saw Reese and Ron again at the start of the AF Run Against Cancer Half Marathon. And when the starting gun went off—you could literally see the smoke as they blazed the course with a finishing time of 1 hour and 16 minutes,  a 5:45 minute per mile pace. I saw them at the finish line with smiles on their faces.


Momentum with Purpose

Ron said this of his experience, “Reese and I beat last year’s time by 4 minutes and that was awesome. When I’m pushing Reese, my legs, body, and heart are full of energy. I push through the pain because I want him to feel the speed and enjoy the race. I don’t want to let Reese down so I just keep pushing hard. There is purpose with each of my strides, so I gain momentum and speed with that focus.”


Ron has been running for 25 years. Ron describes running as an outlet that makes him feel good physically and mentally. And running with Reese helps him achieve his running mission of helping others experience the positive impacts of running. His advice for anyone going through a tough time, “Just dig deep and keep going. You’ll finish even when it’s tough.”

Reese and I beat last year’s time by 4 minutes and that was awesome. When I’m pushing Reese, my legs, body, and heart are full of energy. I push through the pain because I want him to feel the speed and enjoy the race. I don’t want to let Reese down so I just keep pushing hard. There is a purpose with each of my strides, so I gain momentum and speed with that focus.
— Ron Young

A Mother’s Love 

As I talked with Carla Thorne, Reese’s mom, I felt her love for Reese. I could see how proud she was to be his mother. Agatha Christie said this of mothers, “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity.”

This race was number 306 for Reese and Carla. That’s inspiring. I asked Carla what are some of Reese’s super powers or talents. She told me, “Reese never complains and he’s always grateful. I asked her to describe how it makes her feel when Reese crosses the finish line. “You know, it doesn’t matter the time it takes to finish. It brings me to tears. We couldn’t race like this without the service of the runners who push Reese. I’m so grateful for them and the positive impact they have on our son. I can feel their love for him.”

You know, it doesn’t matter the time it takes to finish. It brings me to tears. We couldn’t race like this without the service of the runners who push Reese. I’m so grateful for them and the positive impact they have on our son. I can feel their love for him.
— Carla Thorne

Advice to Special Needs Mothers

I know the deep love that special needs mothers have for their children. Like Reese, my brother Anson was born with Cerebral Palsy. He’s only 15 months older than I am and my mom held him back in school so we could be together. We were always in the same grade growing up and that was a huge blessing for me. I remember the good times and the difficult times when I would find my mom in tears. Even with tears and difficulties, I would continue to see my mom give love, hope, commitment, and confidence to my brother.

I saw my mom helping Anson develop his talents early in his life. With that focus, I have witnessed Anson leave his mark and legacy in this world. To this day, she makes sure Anson has every chance to live a happy and fulfilled life. I love you Mom. We love you. Anson is a light to the world and like Reese has become a great blessing to each person.


Carla gave me this advice to mothers with a special needs son or daughter. “Find joy in seeing others reach out and help your son or daughter. At first, you are going to want to control every experience and situation, but as you let go and let others help, you’ll see the goodness of people be manifest right before your eyes. You will also see your son or daughter grow in ways you’ve never imagined.”

Run, Run, Today, Run

Reese is non verbal, but can talk through a computer. Carla told me that Reese will type, “Run, Run, Today, Run.” And run he does. Thanks Reese for inspiring us to push through our challenges and rise. As we rise, we inspire others. As we inspire others, we become a catalyst for good. A catalyst of good can never be stopped. Run, Run, Today, Run! 

Run, Run, Today, Run
— Reese Thorne

We can all be inspired by Reese, Carla, Ron, Anson, and my Mom. We each will have different challenges in this life, but as we are patient and dig deep we will emerge out of the ashes changed and better prepared to help others who also may go through similar challenges. So with the gift of empathy, we march forward to help others and in helping others we find true happiness. 


Just like Reese and Carla, who are inspiring others through running, there is someone in your city that needs your help, your talents, your passions, and your skills. As you unleash your greatness where you live, you'll help others do the same. Your influence of goodness will spread through your community and will inspire other communities around the world to join together to solve many of their most difficult problems where they live. You are born for greatness.

Get started today by doing the Live Great Movement Monthly Challenge and join the Live Great Movement by clicking the button below. If not you, who? If not now, when?

Author: Burke Alder,
Pictures: Burke Alder &
AF Canyon Run Against Cancer