Welcome to the Live Great Movement

Welcome to the Live Great Movement

Welcome to the Live Great Movement and our blog. Our blog is called Stories of Greatness™. The vision of the Live Great Movement blog, Stories of Greatness, is to write inspiring stories of people like you who are applying the principles of the Live Great Movement to make a positive impact in the community where they live. We're going to start with a weekly story and build the frequency in the future.

What is the Live Great Movement?

What is the Live Great Movement? The Live Great Movement is a movement to use your talents, passions, and skills to make the community where you live better. Our vision is to create the largest global community of people doing good ever created. The movement encompasses 7 principles to help you find your life mission and unleash your greatness for good.

How the Live Great Movement Got Started

The Live Great Movement was inspired and created during a challenging time in our lives. We, Burke and Chelsea Alder, just had our first baby boy named Eddie. Eddie was born with a hole in his heart. This experience gave us a new perspective on life. Inspired by the talents, passions, and skills of the doctors who fixed Eddie's heart, we created the Live Great Movement. 

Just like the doctors who helped our son Eddie, there is someone in your city that needs your help, your talents, your passions, and your skills. As you unleash you greatness, where you live, you'll help others do the same. Your influence of goodness will spread through your community and will inspire other communities around the world to join together to solve many of their most difficult problems. You were born for greatness.

Why the Live Great Movement

The mission of the Live Great Movement is to help you increase your self-esteem and realize your self-worth by helping you discover your talents, align your talents to your passions, and help you develop a strong set of skills you can use to do good daily in your community.

We Invite You to Join Us

We invite you to join the Live Great Movement. Each month we will give you a challenge to live a principle of the Live Great Movement. You can find this month's challenge here

Commitment, Consistency, and Hard Work  

The Live Great Movement will take commitment, daily consistency, and hard work. The Live Great Movement will help you move forward on a journey of self-discovery of your life mission and purpose.

You were born for greatness. You are unique and one of a kind. That makes you great. You have been placed in your community with a set of unique talents, passions, and skills that can bring a light to those in their darkest days—during their more difficult trials. You got this!

Author: Burke Alder